Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Paleo Day 3- Paleo Blues???? And GREAT JOB STEVE!

Congratulations to Steven Platek out of CrossFit Gwinnett for his PR on Fran today. 4'03" is a GREAT time for Fran!! Way to knock the socks out of this workout.

I have received emails from a few people on their workouts, so thank you for continuing to send them in. I had the opportunity to watch Tara Noble do her Fran today. Awesome job girl!!! Getting stronger and stronger every time you work out! I love it!

I just read through this PDF File and it is AWESOME!!! It really breaks it down to help with the learning curve of paleo. Thank you to Paleo Treats (http://www.paleotreats.com/) for putting it on your site!

So how many out there are having the day 3 Paleo Blues? ( I am not here to talk about all the science behind stuff... I'll leave that to the books, this is more of a practical discussion and maybe a slight overview of what is going on. )
Well, it's about that time. For those of you whom have never experienced this before, it may have even have started at day 2. Headaches, being tired, cranky, feeling like you want to kill someone, Not having "energy" to work out. This is not uncommon when starting to eat this way. And let me just say.. for those of you who are eating paleo even without it being fully organic, grass fed everything and simply removing the "highly Processed" foods and going to lean meats, nuts and seeds, fruits and veggies, little starch and no sugar, are probably going to experience a few days of feeling blah.
Well let's analyze what just happened (Yes.. THAT JUST HAPPENED) As Ryan pointed out in our lecture on Sunday, our bodies have become reliant on sugar, have changed how the insulin receptors are working, have had complete and utter chaos in the hormone production and metabolic balance department.. all because we LOVE those processed foods... with all those GREAT Chemicals...
Well.. How many of you are coffee drinkers out there and have EVER removed Coffee from your "daily diet" and experienced the MASSIVE crack headaches, the splitting ones that bring tears to your eyes, get moody, want to kill everyone ON SIGHT? Well.. this is kind of similar. If you think about what's happening in the body. You are now removing HUGE amounts of chemicals, refined and processed sugars, resetting your system, and allowing things to return to a metabolic normal if you will. And this HURTS!!! IT SUCKS... but as with all hard things.. THIS TOO SHALL PASS. As we discussed at the seminar it may take one day, it may take three days, it may take (Like the FIRST time I did the paleo challenge) two weeks!!! ( I literally slept for a few weeks the first time I went paleo lifestyle)
This is normal. you aren't the only one going through this process right about now. Even as we speak I am coping with a splitting headache and dropping energy levels. I know the light at the end of the tunnel is amazing because of the energy that will come out of it!! I have been here before and for me.. in two weeks.. I won't be able to sit still for more than ... well. wait that happens now.. but really.. My energy level ends up increasing drastically.
OK.. enough rambling for today. How are all of you doing out there? Getting over the hump? Getting of the crack as we say????

Right on. Keep it up!!! You are all troopers with great success ahead of you! I look forward to seeing and hearing from all of you!


  1. I definitely noticed a lack of energy yesterday. I got home from work and passed out for two hours! Every morning I religiously drink a 16oz sugar free redbull and that was an adjustment as well. Now it's green tea and I'm pocketing the $4 a day i was spending in redbull. What to buy??

  2. Comments at RP include all of the above...people are cranky and lethargic. Moodiness is the feeling of the day! But we've got a good group and some stellar support going on! Thanks for the updates on the blog, KH....

  3. Awful headache and super hungry all day. Can't seem to feel full at all!

  4. Morgan... add more fat in. Don't be scared to add in the fat!! It will help drastically with the cravings!

  5. This was truly a challenging day. As we speak I can barely see due to the headache... I have to check my balances tomorrow and figure out what's going on. I am hoping the night of sleep will help me balance out.

    Food was great today.. I was a little low in fat sources today, but other than that it went good.

    Workout 1- Fran- 3:59 Not as good as I wanted
    Workout 2... Tabata- Zercher Squats (65)
    Double Unders

    total was 409 reps... goodnight!
