Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fitness Assessments, Measurements and Photos

Hello All!!!

We would like you to have MEASURABLE and achievable results from this paleo period. So we would like to have you participate in the following WODS in the first few days of your challenge and either post your results, or send them to so we can keep track of times etc. We are going to be looking at changes in performance over the next 30 days as it relates to the paleo style of eating.

Here are the Wods:

Fitness Assessments as follows:

Fitness assessment:
(Day 1)
1 minute of MAX REP PUSHUPS

rest 2 minutes

1 minute MAX REP Situps

rest 2 mintues

1 minute max rep squats

rest 2 minutes

12 minute max distance run

these are all valid and measurable fitness evaluation tools. We will be able to get an indicator of what your overall fitness level is by using these assessments and comparing to the "standards" and norms.

12 minute run test Results calculator

To calculate your estimated VO2 Max results (in ml/kg/min) use either of these formulas:
•In Miles: VO2max = (35.97 x miles) - 11.29.
•In Kilometers: VO2max = (22.351 x kilometers) - 11.288

Performance WOD:
Fran: 21-15-9 of
Thrusters (95/65)
(day 2)


Strength Work:
CF TOTAL (day 3)
Back Squat
Shoulder Press


Final Gnarly metcon measurement (for those that choose) :
3 Rounds of:

Run 400 Meters

Room #1

1.20 Push Ups
2.20 Sit Ups
3.20 Squats
4.10 Box Jumps (20″/24″)
Room #2

1.15 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
2.15 Deadlift (135#/95#)
3.15 Dips
4.15 Dumbbell Push Press (20#/30#)
Room #3

1.10 Cleans (95#135#)
2.10 Thrusters (45#/65#)
3.10 KB Snatch – 5 each arm (35#/53#)
4.10 Burpees

This last one is not a requirement for performance but a goo dmeasure of total work output over time. I guarantee that you will see some change over the course of the month.

Please also keep track of body composition and circumference measurements as well. We have been using a 7 site skinfold measurement as our standard and using to calculate our compositions. This is an awesome number to see change over time!

Please send all the results so we can tally them for the final results write-up!!! :)

Have an amazing day!

1 comment:

  1. Results: Gnarly met Con : 32:56 (thursday)

    Pushups in one minute: 48
    Situps: 36
    Squats: 50

    2500 m row for time: 10:25

    Slept like doo doo last night. Definitely ready for Paleo!!!!

    sunday will be CF Total
    Monday will be Fran for me
